Years ago, when my son was in grade school, every December the moms organized a Holiday Bazaar. Since it was always
a heavy duty day of shopping, someone suggested that a lunch be served so shoppers could have more time to spend their money -good marketing plan here! Each parent was ask to make up a batch of this soup and send it along in a well rinsed 1/2 gallon milk carton or quart jar. Also, we were to include one cup of grated Parmesan cheese sealed in a plastic bag. When we pulled up in front of the school and unloaded the kids with the soup in hand, you would have thought the students were carrying a brand new baby-instantly the car doors flew open and the soup was snatched up by a group of moms cradling the soups and rushing them into the school kitchen. Some of the more attractive quart jars were sold and taken home for dinner. The rest were placed into huge pots and kept warm for the lunch crowd. Most of the parents were very diligent in following the recipe..........we all new what we were eating! So now, I share this recipe with you on this very chilly day here in Florida, hoping to warm your souls as well as your hearts!
Saute 3-5- minutes in a small amount of oil; 1 medium onion, chopped
3 unpeeled, sliced carrots-but I peeled mine!
3 medium sized unpeeled, cut-up potaotes
Add & saute for ten minutes or more; 1 pound sliced mushrooms
1/2 head of cabbage, sliced
2 medium sliced zucchini
3 tomatoes, cut in wedges
Add and cook until the vegetables are tender. 3-4- Tbls.butter
Salt and Pepper to taste
6 cans of Cambell's Beef Consomme'
2 soup cans of tomato juice-just use the beef can to measure
This is all there is to it-simple and very delicious-not many calories! Don't forget the cheese!