Flipping through the latest Williams-Sonoma catalogue I noticed they are selling the delicious Torrone confection from Italy.
This simple nougat consists of just a few ingredients- crunchy nuts, spices, honey or sugar and egg whites.......the more honey, the softer the product.
A few years ago I would not have "batted an eye"
at the sight of this candy-I really had to aquire a taste for it. It is chewy, chockful of nuts and very expensive, what I purchased over there, thanks to our pitiful dollar! Frequent stops to local bakeries and confectioneries exposed me to the variety of distinctive flavors of the Torrone candy. The honey used from different regions truly affects the taste. This delightful treat also packs well, either for day trip snacks or treats for those you may have left beind........ how about a special gift for Christmas? Check out page 58 in the catalogue! Beats having to spend the money for a plane ticket!