Sunday, May 13, 2007

Olive Picking in New Zealand

A newly emerging olive growing business is proving ideal for many growers on the the North Island of New Zealand. Centered around the area of Mangonui, the growers have recently harvested their crop . These photos were taken on a very windy day, one that we anxiously waited for -days of rain delayed the picking experience and I feared I might miss out. but all went well......My friends, Colin and Lynette Wilson, from the "Hihi Olive Estate" provided all the fun and olives from their wonderful "Tuscan" looking groves.


  1. Those look like big olives. I have one olive tree in my yard, but the olives are much smaller of the picholine variety.

  2. We were in Italy one year during the olive picking. The hills come alive with nets and the sounds of all the pickers! Great fun.

  3. Delicious and fun; what a marvelous combination!
