Monday, February 11, 2008

A Salute to our Farm Market Friends~

      One can only hope that each country in the world will continue to work hard to save its farms, not only for economic reasons, but for our own well- being and health. During these chilly and often brutal winter months, I miss the experience of traveling to the markets and getting swept away by all the fragrant produce. It is such a joy to return home to the kitchen and whip up  something  delicious  with my finds of the day!
     Our farmers markets play a vital role in our society. My wish is that everyone who reads this post will continue to support and buy from farmers whenever they can-just look at what we would be missing....... the photos are from the Adelaide Central Market, AU, which hosts over 250 shops to its citizens. Look at the pride and hard work involved which produced  such fabulous foods  that are beautifully delivered to their dinner tables! Thank you, dear farmer friends!


  1. Hear, hear! It's easy to forget that our farmers work during the winter months, too.

  2. Yes! Thank you farmer friends :)

  3. I buy at the Farmers Market year round.

  4. One of the sad facts of my life in France is that I don't really do the markets in Rodez -- they are just two mornings a week and I work on one and can't seem to get moving (we do live 11 miles from town, too, so there are ecological concerns too) to the other one on Saturday morning. There is a small Friday evening one I should check out more often.

    I do try to buy local produce, though, and fortunately there are a number of small shops (primeurs) that enable me to do that. But there's still nothing like a market!

    Thanks for your slew of comments today!

  5. MMM, your photos are making my mouth water!

  6. lydia~ Thanks for stopping by!we do take so much for granted, don't we!
    K&S~ Looks like you are having a wonderful time in HA~Also, having some delicious foods!
    peabody~I sure wish I had a good market close by.
    betty~I agree with you, there is nothing like a great market!
    poppy~Thank you! And, thanks for stopping by. Always good to hear from you~

  7. Hi Jann - there is a group in NYC trying to turn the Fulton Fish Market into a year-round farmers market. It is an important project to help assure the viability of locally grown produce.

  8. Right on you are Jann.
    The farmers markets are just amazing both the produce and the people. I love the way so many are so proud of their produce and present it to show!

  9. Fabulous photo and sentiment. People need to support those that put the food on their tables.

  10. You go girl! These folks are trying to keep us all healthy and they truely work very hard at it! Eat local!

  11. I will be promoting farmer's markets in my community this year and I am so excited about it!

  12. tw~I hope that group wins.
    winedeb~Isn't this the truth!
    Mimi~Your community is very lucky to have you as their promoter!
    Cowgirl~Thanks for visiting!I agree with you.
    My Kitchen~you certainly do meet some wonderful people at these markets.

  13. What a gorgeous market - I can't wait for summer....
    I see more people shopping at local markets and I think it's wonderful; even in the smaller towns. Of course we used to shop from pick-up trucks when I was little...the farmer's just drove into town on whatever day they picked and sold from the back!

  14. Thank you for this post Jann. We all need to remember that our local farmers work so very hard to bring us the fresh, healthy produce we've come to expect.
    I'm lucky because where I live, even though the farmers markets close for the winter, there are three local grocery stores that buy our local farmers' produce year round, so we can enjoy it year round!
    Great to hear from you Jann!

  15. Thank you for reminding us of this, it is hard to shop in the winter markets but you can always grab a cup of hot cider while you're there! The one in Union Square in NY is fabu. So are your mouth watering pics!

  16. katiez~I am waiting for summer, too......miss those fresh tomatoes!
    Christine ~ I am going to move to your fortunate you are!
    Paris apt~I need to visit that market. Will pass this info on to my daughter who lives in NYC!Thanks for visiting!

  17. The farmer's markets are bursting with good fruits and vegetables now in Provence.
    ps I tagged you

  18. Jann, Just got back from Italy and Azure took some great shots of the markets. We loved them and got to eat some very yummy food. Miss you lots

  19. I was in Europe in March, and the markets there were vibrant and full of great products. Today I went to the Green City Market here in chicago for the first time, and it was pretty disappointing in comparison. I am not giving up yet... hopefully later in the summer there will be more to choose from. Right now it was a lot of onions, radishes, and asparagus. I still have hope, though! These colorful pics keep me inspired.
