Monday, March 30, 2009

Tonle Sap ~ Fresh Water River in Cambodia

Getting off the beaten path while traveling is something I think many of us really enjoy. Wish I could do it more often. There are endless surprises along the roads!
The body of water where I
photographed is actually a combined lake and river. It is the largest fresh water lake in South East Asia. During the monsoon season, the river water is pushed up from the Mekong River into the lake. There is so much water that the nearby fields flood, along with many of the forests and farm lands. Hence, a flood plain which provides a perfect breeding ground for fish. Everyone fishes. After the fish are caught, they are dried and sold at the local markets ~ notice the person squatting on the makeshift drying platform. The fish are rotated several times a day to complete the natural drying process.
Life on the river continues with no interruptions when the flooding occurs. The school are floating as well as the grocery stores. Peddlers selling their wares go up and down the river all day long. Even the restaurants are floating~ cooking takes place right there on the drifting boats. Sometimes there is even a little time to play~


  1. How wonderful that you were able to travel along that river and take those photos. They're exquisite!

  2. This is definitely off the beaten path. Your photos are always so beautifully taken!

  3. Gorgeous travel photos. Great of the little boy in the floating tub.

  4. These photos are incredible. Thanks for sharing this part of the world with us.
