Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Icicle Ornaments Cookies from Savoring Time in the Kitchen

I have been procrastinating for a few days trying to come up with some clever ideas for cookies and up pops "Savoring Times" recipe just in time! I loved the idea of having a cookie you could eat and also hang on a tree! I have been hanging these cookies all over the house just for fun.....

Savoring Times blog suggests these are great to go with coffee, especially with the hole at the top to use for dunking the cookie into your coffee!

Icicle Ornament Cookies ready for my guests tonight!

These cookies were positioned around my Magnolia wreath.


  1. Really cute cookies! I like the idea of having them as decorations.

  2. The perfect cookie. So pretty. Happy Holidays Jann.

  3. A cookie that does double duty!Very creative!

  4. I just found them :) Yours turned out great, Jann!
