Thursday, January 12, 2012

GLASSYBABY~Seattle's other best

One really will not know how fabulous these are until you hold one in your hand.

The vessels or vases are unique in shapes and come in all shades of brilliant colors.

They are sturdy and can be used in so many different ways......and what mood makers!

When you are in Seattle visiting, or even if you live there, I hope you can stop by and visit the Madrona neighborhood for a real experience and meet some fabulous people out front and behind the scenes.

3406 E. Union
Seattle, WA 98122


  1. This just made me smile - a series of lights - especially candlelight will do that.

  2. It has been about 5 years since I was in Seattle and I remember buying glass and frit (must look up address) and watching the glass blowers. I will definitely find the Madrona neighborhood on my next visit. I think that we stayed near the Coastal Kitchen on my last visit.

