Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bread Store ~ Mongolian Style

Situated close to the Siberian border in one of Mongolia's most picturesque destination is Khovsgol. The surrounding area is home to camels of the Gobi and reindeer of the taigan (coniferous forest) as well as several Mongolian ethnic groups. These groups include the Buriat, Khalk, Darhat and the Tsaatan. The next few photos were taken at a local bakery close to Khovsgol Lake, a pristine alpine lake stretching out almost 100 miles long. The owner of this bakery also was the local ice cream producer and seamstress. All three businesses were located in one building.

                               Breads displayed on shelving for sale. Store open 6 days a week.

                                    Whole wheat and sourdough breads were also available for sale.

                     Bread molds were placed in long tubular shaped oven for baking two loaves at a time.

                                                             Bread kneading machine

                                         Oil and brush prep table for oven equipment.


  1. Nice photos! I love the combination bread + ice cream + sewing. Did you buy a loaf?
