Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Making Cheese in Mongolia ~Nomadic Style

Fresh milk ready for the fire.
There are always a few rare opportunites to learn different methods of cooking when you travel.  For instance, like making worked! With this family's help, their cow milk was turned into cheese. I probably would not have this on my list of favorites, but then again I have not acquired a taste for this particular kind of cheese. Sort of chewy, a tad flavorless, but fresh! I am sure it was perfect and very suitable for this nomadic family lifestyle.

                                                           The Cheesemaker

                                                           Straining the curds

                                         Necessary to press out all the moisture.

A weight was placed on top to add extra pressure for releasing all the liquid. This remained on top for about 15 minutes. I have no idea what that weight belonged to ~ maybe part of a vehicle. It was clean.......

                                   There you have it! Ready to slice, serve and taste in under an hours time.


  1. What a fantastic trip! I'm so enjoying your photos.

  2. Nice photos! From what I can see, it's basically paneer, the fastest way to make cheese with fresh milk.
