I'm hoping that "company" rather than" food" is the real reason that my friends come by for dinner. Sometimes the foods that I have planned to serve do not always turn out like the picture in the recipe book or closely resemble it. I have had disasters at my dinner parties..... they all can't be perfect! Once, at the home of a friend , a firey disaster struck. We had to take the fire extinguisher to the oven.............I think that made the wine taste even better! With the great company present, we had several good laughs........food was not an issue.
Getting back to the recipe I am about to post, this is very easy and has never failed me yet! You can prepare it for brunch or serve it as a starter for dinner.
For Six persons.
6 eggs
6 cassolettes
2 Tablespoons of creme fraiche or sour cream for each dish.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Fresh Chives, chopped.
Place one tablespoon of sour cream in the bottom of each cassolette. Add a pinch of salt and pepper . Place one egg in the dish and cover the egg again with one more tablespoon of sour cream. Salt and pepper once again. Sprinkle with chopped chives. Place the cassolettes in a dish(bain Marie)with hot water. Place in a preheated 400 degree oven for 20 minutes. Serve immediately.