Sometimes I find myself completely off track. Not knowing how this occurs, I forget to post my articles that I intended to write . My camera is my constant companion..... I'm able to collect an abundance of interesting and intriguing subjects to write, but they are on hold and stored in my files for some other time. Need to dig more of those moments out! Long story short, I fail to post what I love doing the most and that is, writing about the inevitable myriad of new sights, wonderful smells, different foods, locations and things I experience firsthand...........
Discovering the foods of a country is very exciting for me. Everything is so tempting. Most regions have their traditions and distinctive foods. I embrace these different foods with an opened mind knowing if I rejected something, and it would really have to be unpleasant, there could be some hurt feelings.That does not happen often. We all enjoy trying new things when we are away from our normal surroundings. Sensory overload....absolutey love it!
Frequently my time is spent visiting any kind of market that is within my reach and only if my husband will stop the car!" I will only be a few minutes darling, honey, whatever."....Just let me walk around and check to see if there is something really incredible here today."
Standing and watching people religously choose their foods or the sellers shouting out prices dazzles my senses.....I love to see this process unfold! There actually is so much that really goes on in community markets, it is difficult to take it all in. How many recipes get exchanged with friends? There is music playing at times and maybe a place to sit and sip a glass of local wine-(need to go find Al now.) He will have to park the car......"oh, look at the spices! "
You are viewing one section of the grand spice market in Istanbul.There were spices that I had never heard of nor knew what to do with. One thing that was passed on to me that I will happily share is that spices usually loose their potency in six months. There are many in my cupboard that need discarded. Guess I better get busy in the kitchen.
What a thrill to be in a place where you can take advantage of such culinary delights! Those spices... oh my!
What an interesting place to roam! All of the spices must have smelled wonderful!
Man...I love going to local markets...so full of color and wonderful smells (usually) lol
For me, a local market is like being in a bookstore or being a kid in a proverbial candy shop. I am delighted and distracted at turns, never knowing which way to look, what to smell, what to buy. A good market is like a large city (Paris comes to mind) full of attractions, some of which must be sniffed out.
Jann, I am adding you to my favorites on my blog. I found your wonderful site through your comment on my post and fell in love with the photos, your recipies and the way you make your travels come alive in posts.
Dina Kerik
What a gorgeous market! Fortunately mon mari is as interested in food markets as I am. We always try to check them out....and drool...
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