Traveling to far off places gives me a
real reality check. I may not have the top of the line dishwasher, cooking appliances or even the latest style in a kitchen design, but I am grateful for what I can come home to. I know most of us feel the same way. I look at the water in this photo and cringe at the thought of washing anything in it or even eating anything from it, but people have been surviving this life style for years and it continues to this day.

Drying freshly caught fish and spreading them open on wooden racks is a common sight along the waterways and lake areas around Cambodia. The fish must be quickly preserved as there are no means of modern freezing or cooling in many areas. Forget about electricity! As you can notice, the fish is split, insides removed and salt is added to remove much of the moisture as well keeping bacteria from forming. Pray for no rain!

When dried, the
sun fish is stacked and hauled off to the local markets. Catfish is a common catch that can later be grilled or fried and served with a bowl of hot steaming rice.
that is a lot of fish!
Hi K & S~you fish while the catching is good! I guess they make it worth thier while and with lots of good netting!
opps-fast typo,their!
I like the way the fish is split: such precision! Just by looking at it you get the sense that it's the result of years of experience. Very nice photos!
Amazing! I love the way travel makes one both appreciate the foreign and what they can do and what we have (and don't have to do)
Katiez~Traveling certainly opens our eyes to different methods of cooking and preparations!
Fun picks! We better get shopping for summer now right
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