Passing through the Marche Paul Bert last year, I came across a rather
large terrine in one of the antique shops. Apparently there was exposition and this terrine was made just for the occasion. If I understood the story correctly, the ingredients did not cook according to planned and spoiled. I took a picture
of a photograph of the chefs adding their last finishing touches. What a pity it was unable to completely cook all the way through.This would have fed a village!

The terrine was not for sale, just on display along with a few more photos of the exposition. So, what does one do with this rather large baking terrine afterwards? There is just no stopping the French when it comes to competitions, thank goodness!
Spoilt ... what a shame!
Fascinating thing though.
Now, I love terrine! But, this is a monster!
HUGE! too bad it spoiled :(
The terrine is truly grande! How I would have liked to see what it originally held inside. Too bad the current terrine spoiled.
Wow, this is humongous...too bad got spoiled...
Obviously, cooking on such a grand scale has it's drawbacks. I'll stick to cooking for two for a while. Labor Day is another story. Great pictures.
I've never seen anything so grand. As you said, leave it to the French. Sad to hear they couldn't eat it.
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