Most of us have our favorite desserts, and this cake could possibly be one of mine! This is the cake most likely to appear when guests arrive in our home. It is easy to prepare, not all from scratch and usually there is not much to put back in the refrig....that to me, is the best indication that everyone enjoyed it!
The recipe was given to me by an aunt on my husbands side of the family. She was the "aunt" that everyone loved and wished they belonged to. Living in the south most of her adult life brought opportunites for vegetable gardens and rows of fruit trees. When visiting , often we would stoll through her garden talking about each plant as if it were a real person.....describing in detail how it struggled for moisture, having no rain for a period of time or the attack of the birds or insects-whatever, there was always a story to be told.
We did have some visitors the other day. While traveling around the globe, we do meet some incredible people and often extend invitations to visit us when Stateside. An Australian couple are here for their "first" visit ........we are sharing some special moments........ and a special cake. P.S. It is loaded with pineapple and coconut~maybe you have a similar recipe?